In our previous post, we said that VMware Workstation Player is virtualization software that allows users to run multiple guest machines simultaneously on a single host computer. These guest machines can then be configured to run multiple operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. If you’re a technical person and looking to create an environment for testing applications and software, then VMware Workstation Player should be a great place to start. It’s free for personal use and affordable for commercial businesses as well. To learn how to create new virtual guest machines, continue below:

Install VMware Workstation Player

To create new virtual guest machines on VMware Workstation Player, you must first install it on a host computer.

Create A New Virtual Guest Machine

Now that VMware Workstation Player software is installed on the host computer, open the application and go to File ==> Create New Virtual Machine This should open the new VM creation wizard. When the wizard opens, choose to create the Virtual Machine and install the operating system later and continue. Next, select the operating system that will be installed on the new virtual machine. then click Next. Next, choose a new virtual machine and the location to store it. you’ll probably want to accept the default location but can change the name to whatever you want. Click Next when done. Next, specify the Hard Disk capacity. the recommended setting should be enough. however, if the host machine doesn’t have large free space available, you can reduce the virtual machine disk capacity on this page. when done, click Next to continue. Click Finish to create the virtual machine. You will then be able to install Ubuntu OS on it. When the wizard is done, click Edit virtual machine settings to specify the operating system disk or ISO image you want to use to install on the VM. Then select CD/DVD (SATA) from the Hardware list, and choose the location of the operating system disk or image. If you have an ISO image, browse and select. for the DVD dish, choose the physical drive. Save your change and close. then Start the virtual machine. and if everything is configured right, you should see the operating system boot screen to install. That’s it! Enjoy! You may also like the post below: