Uber is a wildfire that spread all over the world. Since its first appearance in San Francisco in 2009 it became one of the largest self-hailing transportation providers. It also has millions of users around the world who like its service, taxi riding. Despite the popularity, users seem to want to know how to delete Uber history. There are a bunch of reasons why customers want to delete their Uber history at the end of the day. Thus, we will give you simple guidelines on how to do it.

Why Should We Delete Uber History?

When we install the Uber app on our smartphone, it will store our personal information such as birthdate to credit card detail. Besides, Uber also takes record of all riding history as well as other information. Examples of other information Ubers keeps are payment details, destination, phone number, driver’s information, and also usage time. That kind of information is sensitive because it contains personal data. As we are all aware that personal data or information is fragile. Once it’s crack or leak, it will cause us so much trouble such as fraud, data stolen, or data cloning. Another reason is that Uber’s history is because, in some countries, Uber is still illegal. So, the user who has downloaded and uses the app without knowing that it’s illegal wants to clear their history. Even though the percentage, for this reason, is small, it is happening. But why has Uber stored our data anyway? It is simply because it’s part of Uber policy. As a technology-based taxi hiring company and also driving services, Uber needs and uses our information to perform effectiveness in decision making as well as networking. However, both Uber and customers, even drivers possess privacy rights to this personal information usage. But feel free if you still want to know how to delete Uber history for your own comfort. You can still use Uber even if you delete your history. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Guidelines on How to Delete Uber History

The first thing to do when you want to delete your Uber history is by deleting your Uber account. Deleting your account is not really a big deal because you can recreate it using the same number on the deleted account. But, deleting an account is not that easy. Users need to delete information containing credit or debit cards. Users need to clear their payment methods to be able to delete the account. Below is the instruction to delete the payment method and account.

1. Logged In to Uber App

Simply launch your Uber app on your smartphone and log in as usual. On the left corner of your screen, you will see a three-lined menu icon. Tap it and it will launch a drop list of several options, click Privacy.

2. Privacy Setting

After clicking Privacy, it will also launch a list containing several choices of options. Then tap “Delete Your Account”.

3. Delete Your Account

You will be redirected to a page that shows how many rides and cities you have taken with uber. Click “Continue”, then you will be asked to enter your password. So, just enter your password accordingly to be able to delete your account. After you input your password, Uber will ask your reason why you want to delete your account. Just choose your reason or you can choose “Prefer not to say” and send it. Done. You’ve completed the whole process of deleting your account.

4. Wait for Uber Response

Uber will directly receive your request for deleting your account and will process it. The process itself will take times up to 30 days to get your account deleted permanently. Uber server will delete your Uber history after the month has passed. But, some data may remain in the Uber server for legal and business reasons. You don’t need to worry because it is part of the Uber privacy policy. If you still need another deletion, you should contact customer service to do it. However, the above steps and guidelines may not be quite straightforward but it still works. Although, it is easy and simple so everyone with Uber can do it. Because now your account has been deleted, you can recreate it using the same phone number. Your previous history will not be restored and you are a completely new user with a new account but the same phone number.

Is There Another Way to Delete Uber History?

Apparently, the above step is the only way you can completely delete your history. But, you can hide your history by deleting the app. Remember that this way is temporary. It means that your actual Uber history is still stored in the Uber server. But it is quite okay if you want to hide it for a while.

If you want to re-use Uber, you can simply re-install the app. The re-install Uber app is simple and no fuss at all. Moreover, you don’t have to register as a new member does. You just need to log in directly using your account, username, and password. Most users find that the above guidelines of how to delete Uber history is easy and okay with it. So far, there is no complaint or hesitation in the above method. But, if users need thorough treatment of deleting Uber history, they can just call customer service. However, it rarely happens. So, now you know how to delete Uber history. Feel free to try it because it’s easy, proven success to many users, and also causing no harm to your smartphone. Additionally, you can easily recreate your account when you feel comfortable with it anymore.