Don’t worry we will be covering all things you need to know to make handful money every month with Fiverr spending one or two hour per day.

Fiverr is a marketplace where Sellers and Buyers meet with minimum payment of 5$. It works as following – Sellers make a gig where they describe what they are going to do for only 5$ and the Buyers who want the gig simply buy it from the seller. Fiverr works as a middle man. Fiverr works are called Gigs. Gigs are the service you are going to give and buyers are willing to hire you for getting the gig done. If you fail to do the gig properly or you don’t finish on due time then buyer can contact fiverr for a discussion and fiverr will give back the money to the buyers. This is why Fiverr is the most reliable Freelance marketplace.

Who can earn money on Fiverr

Literally anyone can earn money on fiverr. Skills that are most demandable on Fiverr including Web designing, Creative writing, Proof reading for writers, Logo Designing, Map Designing, providing consultancy services, SEO, Social Media Marketing etc.

How to start Earning money with Fiverr

Ok, Let me ask , Do you have any account on Fiverr? If yes, Well done. Keep reading. Did not register yet? Don’t worry, Go to and register there. We are waiting for you to come back.  

How to create a gig on Fiverr

To create a GIG that will help you to earn money through Fiverr

Click Sales from top menu bar

Click the Create GIG from sidebar. You will be redirected to another page where a form will appear. You need to fillup the information.

Add very attractive and catchy title

Select Proper category

Add image for your GIG. Don’t use any copyrighted image.

Add an appealing description

Add related tags

Add time to deliver the GIG. You must finish your gig on Due time

And finally Click Save And Continue

A new page will appear and ask you to upload a video. If you are a beginner must add a short video and describe what you are going to do. Now click on the publish button and your Gig will be published.

Make Money on Fiverr – Profile Matters

Don’t think “I got the skill why I care about creating a profile?” Your profile will make impression on the buyers so describe all of your skills there. You should make it short.   Well I am going to show you the profile of the Top Seller Fiverr below:

Make Money on Fiverr – Level 0

When you are at level 0 as a beginner you should not concentrate on the amount of money.  At first time you will get only 5 $ no matter what you do. In this level, Just give the best service and concentrate on building a profile. Your profile will show the sweet review given by your Gig Buyers and this will help you to sell more of your gigs . To get started, Create a new Gig and again make a short but descriptive details about the gig. Suppose, You are a logo designer and you want to make a logo for 5$ then write an appealing description of it . Must Check: Earn money with 20 microworkers sites Just check the example of a top seller fiverr below: Image:Top Seller Writer who writes blog just for 5$ Buyers are most likely to hire the expert who has level 1 or higher. So at the first time, you will get only few gig request. After completing 10 successful gigs and having more than 90% satisfaction rating you will be on the level 1. At level 1 your Gigs sell will fly like rocket.

Make Money on Fiverr – Level 1

After completing 10 Gigs you will be promoted to Level 1 where you can sell gigs more than 5$. This is the money making phase . Level 0 is for working hard and level 1 is for getting most money out of your skill.   Here I will show you some crafty tricks to force buyers to give you more than 5 bucks. First add the information on your profile and on the gig description about the extra work you are going to do if someone pays you more than 5 $ .   Suppose you are a logo designer and you are now at level 1, You create a gig and someone hires you. After making the logo add your signature on the bottom of the logo. If the buyer wants to remove the signature ask him to pay more. Don’t forget to write about this signature thing on your gig description.   Suppose, you are a creative writer and you are willing to write 250 word article for only 5$. Add Extra gig like pay 5$ more and you will be writing more 250 word on the same article. If you have good SEO skill you can charge more 20 $ for making the article OnPage optimized . This trick will give you more money than normal users.   Again let’s take a look how a top selling Fiverr is doing this trick for his creative writing gigs:  

Final words:

Now you must understand how you can earn a good amount of money using fiverr. I tried my best to add more points on this subject. I am sure that I missed some information which you may know. Why not share with us? Use the comment option below to share your thoughts on “How to make money on fiverr”

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